Q. How is GR2 Control different from other diets?

A. GNLD’s scientifically-proven program helps you lose weight and inches while improving your overall health. GR2 Control empowers you to control your glycemic response and enables your body to burn fat for fuel, instead of storing it. You can lose weight without going hungry or feeling deprived. And, you can enjoy an abundance of different foods while on the program! You will lose weight while improving your chances for a new, healthier you, now and in the future.

Q. What if I start to feel a lack of energy while on the program?

A. The GR2 Control Weight Loss Program is designed to provide the average adult with stabilized blood glucose levels to maintain high energy levels and avoid hyper- and hypoglycemia throughout the day. In fact, users report that their energy levels have never been higher than while on GR2 Control!
     Some individuals, especially those who are physically active and/or have a large amount of lean body mass (more muscular than average, hence a higher metabolic rate), may need to add an additional mini-meal in order to maintain consistent energy levels.
     We recommend that you give the program a few days before deciding whether or not to add an extra mini-meal. During the first few days of the program, your body will be making metabolic changes in order to adapt to your new weight loss regimen. It normally stabilizes within a few days and you’ll feel great!

Q. What if I become constipated while on the program?

A. Most people who experience constipation while on the GR2 Control program either are not drinking enough water, and/or are not choosing enough fiber-rich foods for mini-meals and from the “ENJOY” list.
     Water is critical to proper elimination. You need to drink a minimum of eight, 8-oz. glasses of water every day. See your Success Guide for tips on how to incorporate drinking more water into your daily routine.
     Fiber, too, is critical to proper elimination. The amount of fiber contained in a one-day supply of GR2 Control products (Appetite Reducer and Meal Replacement Protein Shake) is more than what the typical American eats in a day. When combined with fiber-rich mini-meals and evening meal choices, the GR2 Control Weight Loss Program provides a healthy level of fiber that fits the needs of most people.
     However, there may be some that require additional fiber in their diets. For those individuals, we suggest one of GNLD’s fiber products to supplement their daily fiber intakes.

Q. What if I develop headaches while on the program?

A. Headaches are often a sign of low blood sugar. If you develop headaches within a few hours of any of your meals, your activity level may be too high for the amount of carbohydrates that you are taking in. Make sure that you are following the mini-meal suggestions closely. If headaches persist, consult your doctor.

Q. How long can I stay on the program?

A. You may use GR2 Control products for as long as you like! Once you’ve achieved your goal weight, you will go into a maintenance phase that you can follow indefinitely. See your Success Guide for a detailed description of how to use GR2 Control products as part of a lifelong weight maintenance plan.

Q. I want to know if lactose-intolerant people will be able to take the GR2 Control Meal Replacement Shake.

A. Absolutely! In fact, to minimize the adverse effect of lactose intolerance, GNLD product formulators employed a unique mix of protein sources for GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake. Some of these protein sources are from milk (caseinate), but contain only a small amount of lactose. Some of the protein is provided by soy, which contains no lactose. You and your customers will be happy to know that the amount of lactose in a serving of GR2 Control is well within a tolerable limit for nearly any lactose intolerant individual.

Q. Can I still drink Vitality Aloe Vera Plus while on the program?

A. Vitality Aloe Vera Plus is a perfect accompaniment to GR2 Control. Vitality Aloe Vera Plus is sweetened with fructose (only a few grams per serving!) so it has a very low glycemic response. However, we’d like to point out that when on the GR2 Control Weight Loss Program, it’s important to only consume Vitality Aloe Vera Plus in the label-recommended amounts to insure optimum weight loss success.

Q. At what age can one use GR2 Control?

A. GR2 Control was formulated for use by healthy adults who are not under a doctor’s care, nor have prescribed dietary restrictions. Adults who are unsure if GR2 Control will work with a prescribed nutrition program should consult their doctor. Children should only use the GR2 Control Weight Loss Program under supervision of their pediatrician.

Q. Can the Meal Replacement Protein Shake be mixed and then frozen to take with me to use later? Will it still have the same nutrient value?

A. Freezing the Meal Replacement Protein Shake right after mixing will not affect nutrient delivery. However, the GR2 Control insulated lunch bag makes it easy to mix your shake anywhere, anytime. Just measure out a serving of Meal Replacement Protein Shake mix and place it in the screw-top container. Later, you can pour it in the plastic GNLD shaker, add water, shake, and voila! — your shake is ready!

Q. Can pregnant women and women who are breast-feeding use the new GR2 Control Weight Loss Program?

A. Proper nutrition during pregnancy and while breast-feeding is extremely critical to the overall long-term good health of both the mother and the baby. That is why we always recommend that pregnant/nursing mothers consult with their doctor and follow his/her nutritional advice.
     Weight gain during pregnancy is normal, and to a point, necessary. If your doctor feels that your weight gain is too great, however, then GR2 Control may be an option.

Q. Will heating the Meal Replacement Protein Shake destroy any of its nutrients?

A. Heating the Meal Replacement Protein Shake will destroy some of the nutrients, especially vitamin C, if heated to a high temperature. However, if Meal Replacement Protein Shake is warmed up (after mixing in cold water) to a heat similar to that used with oatmeal, most of the nutrients will remain unchanged. But, keep in mind that this product was not formulated to be heated, therefore to optimize nutrient delivery, mix and use as directed.

Q. What is the difference between GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake and NouriShake?

A. There are several major differences between NouriShake and GR2 Control:
      GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake is formulated specifically as a meal replacement. Consequently, it contains a full assortment of vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, NouriShake is not formulated for this use, therefore it lacks the precise vitamin/mineral mix needed for healthy, optimum weight loss.
      GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake contains only about 125 calories per serving, NouriShake contains 220 calories per serving.
      Finally, NouriShake can be mixed with milk, juice, or water, all of which alter its nutritional factors (calories, protein, glycemic response). On the other hand, Meal Replacement Protein Shake is only mixed with water, which assures the same nutrients are delivered time after time.

Q. Can I use Doctors’ Diet as a replacement for the GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake?

A. GR2 Control is one step further up the scientific ladder of understanding weight loss and weight control. Since Doctors’ Diet was formulated to be mixed with milk, the higher carbohydrate values cause you to lose the glycemic response advantage that GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake gives you. Doctors’ Diet also has almost twice the amount of calories per serving as GR2 Control Meal Replacement Shake.

Q. I’ve never heard of Acesulfame-K, is it safe?

A. Absolutely! Acesulfame-K (Acesulfame-Potassium or Ace-K) is an inert, non-nutritive sweetener which has garnered the acceptance of essentially every major food safety institute and organization worldwide. It has undergone more than two decades worth of safety testing and clinical trials in laboratories around the world.
      The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) has conducted extensive research into the safety of food and food additives. We have one of the leading food technologists on our board, Dr. Laszlo Somogyi. Our SAB has also had two of the world’s leading toxicologists participating in the process; Dr. Arthur Furst (prior to his recent retirement) and Dr. Gordon Newell, both Diplomates of the American College of Toxicology. These, along with the other members of the SAB, Drs. Fred Hooper, Arianna Carughi and David Shepherd, have worked hard assuring the safety of Ace-K, as they do all raw materials used in GNLD products. The information provided to us through that research and investigation tells us Ace-K is safe, effective and appropriate for use in the GR2 Control product line.

Q. What if I suffer from hypoglycemia - can I use the program?

A. Most individuals with hypoglycemia need a diet that helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, and GR2 Control is a perfect way of doing so. In fact, GR2 Control is specifically formulated to help you maintain a constant blood sugar level throughout the day. With GR2 Control, you will not experience the “glycemic roller coaster” that triggers hypoglycemia. If you are on medication for hypoglycemia, you should consult with your doctor before using the GR2 Control Weight Loss Program.

Q. What if I have Type I or Type II diabetes?

A. The GR2 Control Weight Loss Program was formulated using knowledge gained from diabetic diets. For those who are non-insulin dependent (Type II diabetes), GR2 Control is an excellent program to help keep blood sugar in control.
      For Type I diabetics who rely on insulin, GR2 Control is a fantastic program that will help you maintain steady blood sugar levels, but we do suggest that you consult with your doctor to ensure that the program meets your exact needs.

Q. Can I use the program if I have thyroid problems?

A. Yes, you can! Although many people with hypo/hyperthyroid conditions do not need to lose weight, those who do can use GR2 Control and enjoy all the benefits our program has to offer.

Q. My doctor says I have heart disease. Can I still use the program?

A. Most adults who are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease can improve their health by using GR2 Control. Our weight loss program supports your efforts to decrease the risk factors that may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. GR2 Control Weight Loss Program not only helps you lose weight, it also offers an explosion of health benefits not found in any other weight loss program.

Q. Can I use the program if I’m taking prescription medications?

A. In most cases, yes, you can. Millions of adults rely on some form of prescription medication daily for treatment of a variety of ailments. The vast majority of these require no special dietary restrictions. But there are a few medications that do require a very specific diet.

Q. Would it be advisable to add PhytoDefense to the GR2 Control program?

A. Absolutely! While we encourage optimum consumption of fruits and vegetables in our mini-meal and main meal choices, you may still fall short of the optimal 9 servings a day. To help insure you get the full benefits of a diet rich in phytonutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, supplement with PhytoDefense!

Q. What are vegetarian substitutes for meats, besides tofu?

A. Besides tofu, vegetarians can make stews prepared with low glycemic index grains, such as couscous, quinoa, bulgar, tabbouleh, barley, or wild rice. Legumes, such as lentils, beans (pinto, red, black, kidney, white), peas (split, black-eyed), and chickpeas not only have a low glycemic index, but also add lots of protein to the diet. Tempeh and milk products are also excellent sources of protein and calcium. Plus, ovo- vegetarians can consume eggs as part of their meals.
The vegetarian lunches on page 22 of the Success Guide can also be used for dinner. Additionally, a healthy, balanced vegetarian meal can be easily designed by using the Enjoy/Avoid booklet.

Q. Some of us are losing weight very slowly, counter to the claims and testimonies. Would a loss of six pounds and 1-2 inches in 2 weeks be normal?

A. Actually that’s very good! Keep in mind that weight loss rates will vary, as they are dependent on many different factors. For example, people who don’t have as much weight to lose may take off the pounds slower than someone with more to lose may. And, some people may be sticking with the plan, while others might be altering it to suit their own preferences. Those that stick to the plan as outlined in the Success Guide will experience results faster than those who don’t. However, we can assure you that someone who has lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks is definitely on the road to success!

Q. Is it true that the Enjoy/Avoid guide is only for dinner? Can any substitutions be made for the mini-meals, or will more suggestions be added later?

A. The Enjoy/Avoid booklet is designed to help the user in several ways. Primarily, the booklet helps GR2 Control participants pick items for their main meal. Additionally, the Enjoy/Avoid booklet provides guidelines for meal choices when a GR2 Control shake is not available, like at a party or when dining out. And lastly, the booklet helps the user to make wise food choices when at the supermarket. By using the guide in these circumstances, the participant can choose foods that are both nutritious and are part of the program. Finally, the booklet gives food choices for those that have met their weight loss goals and are now in a maintenance phase.
The mini-meal suggestions should not be substituted, as they are designed specifically to go hand-in-hand with the program. However, we will be adding mini-meal suggestions as time goes by.

Q. Should breads be checked for sugar content? Is there an allowable range, since most have some sweetener in them? What about oils?

A. If a GR2 Control participant is choosing breads based on the Enjoy list, the minor differences in oils or sugars will not make a difference in the overall program. However, if a participant has narrowed the choices down to two different breads, then go with the one that has fewer sugars or more fiber.

Q. Are we to be watching the total grams of sugar in various products? Are sugar-free flavored yogurts allowed?

A. Yes, sugar-free flavored yogurts are allowed, and are listed in the Enjoy/Avoid booklet under the Enjoy, Dairy, Other heading. Keep in mind that if one is choosing food choices based on the Enjoy list, then minor variations between brands will not negatively impact the program. GR2 Control is not a low carbohydrate program, thus the participants need carbohydrates for energy.

Q. It would be helpful to have the serving sizes listed on the pages of the Enjoy/Avoid booklet.

A. The Enjoy/Avoid booklet was designed to be a pocket guide that could be taken anywhere, easily. Because we do not have enough room on the pages of the Enjoy/Avoid booklet to list serving size, we have given some examples of serving sizes in the Success Guide, both on pages 17-19 (mini-meals) and on page 22 (serving sizes in general). Additionally, serving size is normally listed on the label for foods like cheeses, nuts, and legumes. For fruits and vegetables, a 1/2 cup to 1 cup is usually recommended. Fruits like apples and pears that can be eaten whole would be counted as one serving.
We have purposefully stayed away from designating strict serving sizes, as the program is designed with the thought that the participants on it are sensible enough not to go overboard. For example, if someone had two cups of watermelon cubes with their dinner meal, it would be okay, whereas a whole watermelon wouldn’t be wise. However, there aren’t too many people out there (if any) who would eat a whole watermelon in one sitting, so we didn’t feel we had to concern ourselves with stipulating serving size. The rule of thumb is if you think you have too much food, then you probably do! Stick to one helping per food choice, and you’ll be just fine.

Q. When would one eat the sweets and treats listed in the Enjoy/Avoid booklet?

A. Sweets and treats would be best eaten after the main meal, as a dessert.

What is the amino acid breakdown for GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake?

A. Each flavor of GR2 Meal Replacement Protein Shake has slightly different components. The different flavors vary slightly in their amino acid totals. The following list gives a range of amino acids across flavors.

Milligrams per serving
Amino Acid
* = Essential Amino Acids
GR2 Control Meal Replacement Protein Shake
Serving Size: 36 grams
Isoleucine* 834 - 854
Leucine* 1472 - 1509
Lysine* 1222 - 1247
Methionine* 355 - 363
Cysteine & Cystine 165 - 179
Phenylalanine* 882 - 911
Threonine* 757 - 780
Tryptophan* 220 - 228
Valine* 930 - 962
Histidine 483 - 494
Arginine 1008 - 1035
Asparagine & Aspartic Acid 1609 - 1652
Serine 957 - 992
Glutamine & Glutamic Acid 3413 - 3510
Hydroxyproline & Proline 1357 - 1383
Glycine 540 - 568
Alanine 642 - 674
Tyrosine 776 - 795